We are more than half-way through the first month (January) of yet another New Year (2016). It has been a great year so far hasn’t it? You are doing all the things you said you would do this year. You have made the necessary changes to take the next step in your career, in your health and fitness, your relationships, in all the most important areas of your life. You are truly committed this year! Things are going to be different. Those resolutions will stick!
Okay now wake up!
That probably was a dream. The truth is most people have already given up on those New Years resolutions. Some people just forgot about them. They seemed important in December 2015, but now? Life is just too busy. Maybe next year will be better.
Okay now wake up from that nightmare! Maybe the first paragraph is not your reality, but please don’t let the second one be yours. That is unacceptable this year. If you have given up on your resolutions already, good! Because those are a waste of your time. Now that you’re over those, why not set some clearly defined goals?
To have clearly defined goals, you must actually write the goals down. Handwritten is best, but I guess I will accept typed. Writing crystallizes thought and that leads to action. Your goals should have a target date. They should have benefits to achieving them. Think through (and write out) the obstacles and the possible solutions. Write down action steps. Those action steps are simply mini-goals. They should have a target date as well. Incorporate the action steps into your daily, weekly, and monthly planning. And of course, take some action!
You may be thinking, “goals?” “Come on! I have done fine without them.” Really? Have you? The truth is that you are always working on goals. The choice you have is whether those goals are yours or someone else’s. If you want 2016 to be your best year ever, than give up on the resolutions. Stop kidding yourself. Set clearly defined goals. And DO SOMETHING!
Wake Up from your 2016 slumber! This is the first year of the rest of your life.
This will be your best year ever.
You will achieve your goals. You will become a better version of yourself. You will make a difference in someones life. You will Be the Boss of your Life!
It’s time to WAKE UP. Quit daydreaming and focus this year on you living your dreams.
If you could use some help in setting better goals, I have released a free 4 week course on goal setting. In the course I help you create a roadmap for achieving your goals and avoid some of the common mistakes people make when goal setting. Sign up below!