Category Archives: Learning
One Thing I Know For Sure at 31
Beware of Alligators and Ugly Stuff
My New Book is Now Available

Everyone wants to be successful. Each person’s definition is slightly different and entails different things. Success may be financial, relational, or something completely different. There are however, certain similarities found in every journey to Success, and certain things to avoid on the way. Introducing Beware of Alligators and Ugly Stuff, my latest book written with […]
Why We All Must Go Back to School
30 Lessons I Have Learned by 30
Leadership Development is not Exclusive
4 Ways to Invest in Your Own Growth

Leadership Development is not exclusive, at least it shouldn’t be. It should be inclusive. The most important investment you can ever make is in yourself. It is the only investment that is guaranteed a positive return. It is the only investment that you can control. Developing your leadership skills is an important investment. We should […]
Five Mistakes I Made Starting A Business

I started a business in my last semester of college and although we have been pretty successful there really has only been one constant since the very beginning: Mistakes. Mistakes are learning experiences that help build us into more effective leaders. We all have to learn from our own mistakes, but hopefully through this post […]
Eight Ways My Priorities Have Changed

I have started to realize recently that my priorities have changed quite a bit. How I spend my time has changed as I have gotten older (I am about to be 30…). The things I care about have changed over the past year, five years (since I got married), eight years (since I started SOS Leadership), and […]
Create Your Own Spring Training
Lifelong Learning is Key to Success

This is one of my favorite times of year. The Major League Baseball season is upon us. Spring Training is wrapping up for all 30 teams. I love the idea of spring training! It is a time for teams to prepare for a new season. Training is essential for athletes Isn’t it interesting that all major sports […]