One Question That Never Gets Asked in a Presidential Debate


I have always enjoyed watching political debates even before The Donald made them must-see TV. I don’t really care which party the debate is for in the primary ones, I just enjoy seeing people being put in those situations. There are of course, some parts of the debates that I don’t like. Here are some of […]

7 Signs of a Slacker

Stop Slacking and Reach Your Full Potential

Have you ever worked with someone who can only be described as a “slacker”? Do you have any family members, perhaps brothers or sisters who you think are slackers? Or maybe they think you are? I am the youngest in my family, which makes me the baby. They say the youngest in the family gets […]

Are you Barely Surviving?

5 Ways to Take Control and Be the Boss of Your Life

Have you ever asked someone “how are you doing?” only for the reply to come after a long, deep sigh? Or have you ever answered that way? Let me hit you with some stats: Less than one-third (31.5%) of U.S. workers were engaged in their jobs in 2014. 52% of people are “unhappy” at work. […]