7 Ways to Turnaround a Culture
Change the Culture, Change the Results

Culture in an organization is real. It isn’t some random made up term by consultants like me looking to get more contracts. Every organization, no matter the size or the amount of revenue, has a company culture. A culture is simply the personality of the company. It determines how employees act, how motivated and engaged […]
Five Leadership Lessons in Creed
Rocky Balboa Back Again and Still Leading

First let me clear something up for people reading. This is not a post about the band Creed. Sorry to spoil your excitement. It is about the movie that recently came out that essentially is another installment in the Rocky series. When I first learned about this movie I was extremely excited. I am a […]
5 Lessons I Learned from My Dad
And 1 I Wish I Hadn't
Why We All Must Go Back to School
Rain On My Birthday
30 Lessons I Have Learned by 30
Leadership Development is not Exclusive
4 Ways to Invest in Your Own Growth

Leadership Development is not exclusive, at least it shouldn’t be. It should be inclusive. The most important investment you can ever make is in yourself. It is the only investment that is guaranteed a positive return. It is the only investment that you can control. Developing your leadership skills is an important investment. We should […]
Reflection of the 4th

As I celebrated the 4th of July this last Monday I had an unexpected and profound reaction to the most well-known tradition of the day, fireworks. I was with my brother and some of his friends in downtown Austin watching fireworks from a balcony. In addition to the fireworks by the city, I could see […]
The Power of the Team of Two

A couple years ago I wrote a book called The Turnaround (along with Bill Moyer) that focused on organizational culture. The creation of a Development Culture can turn around the results of any organization because you are investing the growth of people and there is no investment that guarantees a greater return. One of the most important aspects […]